
Wai Wai Nu: How being a Political Prisoner drove her to become a Champion of Human Rights

Wai Wai Nu is a leading voice for human rights and peace within Myanmar, her home country. Her story began after being convicted as political prisoner in 2005, where she wrongfully suffered 7 long years within a Burmese correctional centre. Wai Wai and her family were incarcerated because someone close to them opposed the Junta, which was a political group that ruled the country of Myanmar after taking power. After being tried in a closed court with no legal representation, Wai Wai understood the severity of the unjust and unequal regulations that thrived within this country; she began to prepare to change this. At just the young age of 18, Wai Wai Nu began devising her plans, while incarcerated, to continue fighting for Human Rights, equality and peace, once she had been released.  The thick walls of the prison and iron bars couldn’t tear away her determination to ensure freedom and human rights throughout Myanmar, for all. Now released, Wai Wai is the director and founder of the Women’s Peace Network, where she aims to build peace and mutual understanding between ethnicities, while advocating for the rights of ostracised women in Burma. The Women’s Peace Network, is a society compiled of lawyers and peace and human rights activists from Myanmar, together lead by the inspirational Wai Wai Nu, they aim to peacefully and successfully promote and protect the human rights of those who are not subject to equality within their communities. Wai Wai Nu is just one of the many inspirational women who have lead important political movements around the world. Without the conversation that she started, change would never occur. Many Burmese people owe their freedom to the continual work of Wai Wai Nu and her family. “I am not free. My community is not free. My country is not free,” but I believe with the tireless efforts of Wai Wai and many other human rights activists, we may one day live in a world where equality is commonplace and not something towards which we strive.